Recipient's bank: 307770Account: 26000111152379Recipient: "БФ "МІЦЬЮА"IBAN: UA123077700000026000111152379ЄДРПОУ 44965215Purpose of payment: Charity
Account: 26036411115110Recipient's bank: 307770IBAN: UA383077700000026009111152381SWIFT CODE: UKCBUAUKRecipient: 44965215Purpose of payment: Charity
Account: 26000111152380Recipient's bank: 307770IBAN: UA383077700000026009111152381SWIFT CODE: UKCBUAUKRecipient: 44965215Purpose of payment: Charity
About us
The MightUA Foundation is an association of caring people whose relatives and friends are at war with the occupier. For almost a year now, we have been working to cover the needs of our defenders, starting with gloves and freeze-dried food, continuing with walkie-talkies, thermal imagers and night vision devices... And we are not going to stop there as long as it takes!
We invite you to join us in Victory!